Cost of living help information
Household Support Fund
An open application scheme into which residents can apply for help with the costs of food, energy and/or related essentials is now available. Residents can visit for more information around how to apply. It’s part of the Household Support Fund with Executive Cabinet approving a spending plan on Wednesday that sets out how the £2.225million grant awarded by UK Government to Tameside will be distributed to benefit those in need. The application scheme is one of three streams that the money is funding and will be administered by our Customer Service Navigators, who can also help residents access support to become more financially resilient longer term.
Another stream will see supermarket vouchers provided to support children and young people during school holidays who have been means tested using free school meal eligibility as needing additional financial support. This provision will also be extended to include Tameside Care Leavers aged 17 to 21.
The final stream is providing targeted support for individuals, families and households identified as most in need, including support to local food pantries and food banks. Anyone needing support with finances, including debts and income maximisation, can contact a navigator by emailing, or visit the reception at Tameside One during normal opening hours.
Our Helping Hand campaign provides cost-of-living support information available 24/7 online at