Useful Websites
The links below are a great source of information for parents and carers to help support their child to use the internet safely and responsibly:
The NSPCC offers lots of advice for parents and children on how to stay safe.
Click here to find out how to help prevent abuse and the 'Underwear Rule.' To download the leaflet, please click the NSPCC logo below.
Let's talk PANTS - With the help of our friendly dinosaur Pantosaurus, talking PANTS is a simple way to teach your child how to stay safe from abuse.
Think you know - provides advice from the National Crime Agency (NCA) on staying safe online.
Parent info - is a collaboration between Parentzone and the NCA providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations.
Childnet - offers a toolkit to support parents and carers of children of any age to start discussions about their online life, to set boundaries around online behaviour and technology use, and to find out where to get more help and support.
Internet matters - provides age-specific online safety checklists, guides on how to set parental controls on a range of devices, and a host of practical tips to help children get the most out of their digital world.
UK Safer Internet Centre - has tips, advice, guides and other resources to help keep children safe online, including parental controls offered by home internet providers and safety tools on social networks and other online services.
Report Remove - This is a site where children under the age of 18 can confidentially report that nude images of them have been shared online and have them removed.
Report Harmful Content - This website provides information on how to report harmful content that you or your child has seen whilst using the internet.
Online parental controls - This website guides you in how to set up parental controls through your broadband provider.
If your child is using a smartphone to access the internet, there is a wealth of information out there to support you to set up their device safely. Click the link to find out more: Smartphone safety settings