Our team of Year Six prefects undertake jobs to help with the smooth running and good order of the school. Pupils in Year Five complete an application form in the summer term, detailing the reasons and qualities that they believe would make them a good role model. A team, including a handful of head prefects, are chosen and take up their post in the autumn term of Year Six. Prefects wear their badges with pride so they are clearly identifiable to all in our school community.
Their key responsibilities are:
- To be a role model for other students, including displaying exemplary punctuality, attendance and behaviour
- To be a good role model for others in the school by their manner, dress, overall appearance and attitude to others
- To wear the school uniform correctly and with pride
- To demonstrate good work habits in all aspects of school life
- To be competent in self-management and have good organisation skills
- To be punctual and well prepared for their responsibilities
- To be aware of the needs of fellow students and be aware of school expectations with behaviour
- To promote the school values and award prefect stickers to pupils who demonstrate the Fairfield values
Prefect duties include:
- Awarding stickers to pupils who are demonstrating the Fairfield values
- Awarding a 'Prefect Certificate' during weekly celebration assembly
- Helping staff to set up assemblies
- Showing visitors around
- Working with younger pupils
- Ensuring school is kept tidy during the day
- Assisting lunchtime staff in the canteen
- Helping to initiate games during Key Stage One break times